Madison Professional Group Financial Recruiters

Creating Connections that last.

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Madison Professional Group exists to help financial professionals achieve the best business life possible. MPG rejects the cold sales practices commonly associated with the recruiting industry. We believe our success relies on our ability to cultivate relationships with every individual we work with. This means we take the time necessary to truly engage with every client and learn about them beyond the resume. The end result is a win-win for both the individual and the firm we connect them with.

Why Relationship Focused?

Our success is a direct result of taking a "client first" approach. By putting in the extra time it takes to learn about and focus on your specific needs and goals, we can find a long-lasting connection and get it right the first time. MPG knows every advisor has a unique approach and clientele, and it's our duty to match our clients with a firm or RIA that allows them to flourish.

How We Do it

MPG takes a deep dive into how you feel about your current situation and what something better would look like. Every individual has a different vision and story, and it’s our job to understand, then find the right environment to make your vision a reality. Whether your goal is monetizing a practice, achieving greater independence and control, creating a succession plan, or even acquiring or selling a business, MPG has the expertise to guide you in every step of your journey.

Why MPG?

Madison Professional Group exists to help financial professionals achieve the best business life possible. MPG rejects the cold sales practices commonly associated with the recruiting industry. We believe our success relies on our ability to cultivate relationships with every individual we work with. This means we take the time necessary to truly engage with every client and learn about them beyond the resume. The end result is a win-win for both the individual and the firm we connect them with.

  • Traditional Brokerage Firms
  • Independent Brokerages
  • RIAs and Custodians
  • Banks
  • Multi-Family Offices
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Career Placement for Financial Advisors and Financial Firms in Houston

Financial Advisors

MPG serves financial professionals in the advisory and banking spaces. Many of our financial advisor clientele have their investment licenses, have been practicing for 5 to 7 years, and are ready to take their practice to the next level. They’re looking to explore new options, improve the experience for their clients, and streamline the process.

Financial Firms

MPG learns about your company’s specific guidelines and goals, then find the right candidate that is ready to fill that role within your company. The benefit of working with MPG is getting the right candidate the first time. Finding the right candidate can be a massive undertaking while trying to run a firm. MPG takes on the challenge and saves you valuable time and resources.

Ready to Make a Lasting Connection?

Get in Touch

Let‘s take your team to the next level.

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